Submit an Event

We prefer to feature events that are free, accessible to all, and focused on an immediate need the independent artist community is facing. Events should address one or more of the following concerns: Emergency Funding, Advocacy for Freelancers, Best Practices for Online Teaching, Learning, and Gathering.

This is NOT the place to promote your personal artistic practice or event that requires fee for service or is outside the bounds of the topics listed above. Additionally, the administrators of this list will prioritize events that center community members who are most at risk in this crisis (BIPOC, trans* artists, artists with disabilities).

Sharing a Zoom link in your submission? Be sure to use best practices (like creating a registration instead of making the link open) to ensure privacy.

Your Details

The event name. Example: Birthday party


This is a recurring event.


For a recurring event, a one day event will be created on each recurring date within this date range.

This event repeats every day days week on weeks on month on the months on the year years of each month
Event Times to


Create a location or start typing to search a previously created location.

Location not found

Update your address information above to generate a preciese map location.


Event Image